
Welcome to the unofficial website for the University of Idaho MFA in Creative Writing. This site is a collaborative venture put forth by our current MFA candidates in fiction, nonfiction and poetry–a digital hub where we’ll be sharing upcoming events, student achievements, interviews, photographs, videos and more. In addition, we hope to give prospective applicants and visitors a more in-depth look at the culture and personality of our program.

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To learn more about Fugue, our renowned graduate student-run literary journal, visit our website.

For more information about the MFA in creative writing, or to apply to the program, please visit our official website here.

Otherwise, feel free to contact us via email at: creativewriting@uidaho.edu.


PHOTO CREDIT: Most photos featured on this site are courtesy of our MFA students. For the banner photo, however, we are indebted to local artist Alison Meyer, whose spectacular images of the Palouse can be found here